Saturday, 4 March 2017


So it turns out that in MHXX a new character will appear.
This is the Meowstress from MHGen:
Everyone loves the Meowstress! She's adorable, catlike, and rhymes.
Drum roll please...........................................

This is the meowstress' younger sister, she can be found on the new Wycademy Ship Recon. I am not sure yet whether she will serve as a palico scout, or if she is just along for the ride. She is also our third named Wyverian in the series, which is exciting. Treshi was the first, Catalina (the Meowstress' real name) was second. This new NPC will be named Milsee.
I personally can't wait to meet her and discover who she is.
#MHXX For the West 

Friday, 3 March 2017

Catch up

Been a while since I posted on here.
I thought I'd let you guys know that I am working on a Monster Hunter post or two, but they are unfinished, so far.